GITEX Marrakech 2023 - IdeaHubRoom with Huawei

Huawei booth

For the first time GITEX Africa, renowned as one of the most prestigious technology events on the continent, Mago actively participated in this noteworthy occasion, collaborating with Huawei in their booth.

Within Huawei's exhibition space, Mago presented the revolutionary IdeaHub Room solution. This cutting-edge technology, serving as a white-label version of Mago Software, began to reshape the landscape of collaborative meetings.

The Mago team engaged with fellow professionals, tech enthusiasts, and industry experts at the Huawei booth, showcasing the tremendous potential of their software.

They emphasized its capability to interact seamlessly with over 20 video conferencing systems, enabled one-tap meeting joins, and transcended traditional visual collaboration by harnessing the full potential of their workspace. Attendees witnessed Mago's ability to transform teamwork, ignite creativity, and deliver outstanding results. The software empowered meeting experiences with comprehensive creative capabilities, streamlined video conferences, and fostered visual collaboration in unprecedented ways.

  • Mago whiteboard
  • Huawei Booth
  • GITEX Dubai Sign
  • IdeaHub Room Demo